If you are wondering if you are ready to sell your design online then this video is for you. I share my advice on how to sell your graphic designs online no matter if you want to sell your vector art or are interested in licensing fabric designs as a textile designer. 


“Am I ready to sell my art online?”

“How to be a professional graphic designer?”

“how to sell vector art online?”


You are probably asking these question not feeling sure if your work is good enough for you to be considered a professional designer or an art entrepreneur. I had the same doubts and questions when I was just starting out especially as a self-taught artist and surface pattern designer. to start 

I hope you find help with starting your online licensing journey whether you are interested in selling pattern designs or selling artwork and get over the fears that hold you back. 

I know you can create amazing things and share them with the world!

★ BONUS WORKBOOK: GROW YOUR PATTERN PORTFOLIO 15x FASTER: Want to learn my system for growing your repeat pattern portfolio 15x faster? Request my bonus eBook here.

As a textile designer with over 13 years of experience, I know firsthand the fear and uncertainty that can come with putting your work out there for sale.

Many artists and designers are hesitant to sell their files online or offer them to customers because they feel like their work isn’t up to par with the professional quality they see in stores and on social media. But let me tell you, if you subscribe to this thinking, you will likely never reach your full potential as a creative.

When I first started out as a children’s book illustrator and commercial artist, my illustrations were far from professional quality. But I didn’t let that stop me from putting them out there for sale. And you know what? Some of those designs actually sold! It wasn’t until I put my work out there that I was able to get feedback from customers and see what was commercially viable.

When are you ready to sell your designs online?

If you’re feeling nervous about putting your work out there, I want to encourage you to be brave and do it anyway. Yes, it can be scary, but you’ll never know what will sell until you try. And as you see what sells, you can start building up your portfolio and refining your style to create even more commercially successful designs.

But even as you put your work out there, I also encourage you to keep practicing and improving your craft. The more you refine your skills, the better your work will become, and the more successful you’ll be as an artist or designer.

So if you’re feeling hesitant about putting your work out there for sale, just remember: be afraid, but do it anyway. You’ve got this!

Thank you so much for watching!

Grow, love, and create. 


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