Wondering how to better keep track of your repeat pattern design projects? Then this video and the Canva templates I talk about are for you.

In this video, I’ll show you how to use my custom Canva’s Pattern Tracker Templates to effortlessly keep track of your repeat pattern design projects’ progress. With my free and easy-to-use Canva templates, you can organize and manage all of your repeat pattern projects in one convenient location. Say goodbye to wondering how many more designs you need to create to reach your monthly goal – with my Canva’s Pattern Tracker Templates, you’ll stay on top of your repeat pattern projects and achieve your design goals easier!

You can access my Canva tracker template here for free:

Hi, I’m Oksancia, a textile designer with over 15 years of experience, and I have created over 10,000 designs and repeat patterns. As a designer, I find it essential to keep track of my progress on various projects. To achieve this, I created a cool Canva template tracker that has been incredibly helpful in keeping me organized.

When designing repeat patterns or other artwork, it’s crucial to visually see the progress you’re making. The Canva tracker I created allows me to do this easily. I can manually adjust it back and forth to coincide with my progress, whether I’m working towards creating a specific number of designs, uploading them, or creating matching mockups and social media posts.

The tracker is especially helpful if you’re a visual person like me. I find it incredibly motivating to see my progress on a project, and it helps keep me on track towards my goals.

Stay on Top of Your Repeat Pattern Design Projects with my Canva's Pattern Tracker Templates

To set up the tracker, I created a number line in Canva, with two sections at the bottom. When starting a new project, you start at the beginning and move the tracker to the right as you make progress. For example, if my goal is to create 80 repeat pattern designs, and I’ve created 20, I move the tracker to that point on the number line, so I can see how much progress I’ve made. I’ve labeled the sections on the bottom with specific goals, such as “page one designed,” “page two uploaded,” and “page three promoted.”

You can change the labels to fit your specific needs easily. All you need to do is double-click on the label and start typing. You can also undo any changes you make, so you have complete control over the progress tracker.

I’ve made the Canva templates for my progress tracker available for free, so anyone can use them. You can find the download link in the form above on this blog post. To get started, all you need to do is make a copy of the template and adjust the numbers and labels to fit your specific needs.

The tracker is incredibly adjustable and can be used for a variety of projects. As an online teacher, I also use it to keep track of lessons and videos for my courses. I love creating trackers in different colors, so I can see progress at a glance and know how much I’ve accomplished.

In conclusion, the Canva tracker I created has been a game-changer for me. It’s helped me stay organized and motivated throughout my projects, whether it’s creating repeat patterns, designing mockups, or creating lessons for my courses. If you’re struggling to keep track of your progress on your creative projects, I highly recommend giving this tracker a try.

Grow, love, create!
