I have some pretty big news! An international online publication Business Insider just released a feature story about me and our Oksancia School! The experience of being contacted for an interview and having a video chat with the writer was surreal, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity.

I’m proud to share that the feature story has now been just released and can be found within the publication’s premium subscription material. To give you a sneak peek, I’ve included a screenshot of the part of the article below (sorry that I can’t share the whole text):

I want to say thank you for all of you for helping me get to the place of being featured in a large publication like this! I couldn’t have done it without you!

A valuable lesson learned from this new experience:

During my interview with the journalist, I realised the importance of being prepared and having tangible evidence to back up my statements. The journalist was meticulous in verifying every detail and statement I made, which is a good thing.

Going forward, I’ve learned to always take screenshots, make recordings, and save copies of important information, rather than just relying on links. This will ensure that I have the necessary proof and resources to provide accurate information, should the need arise. This experience has taught me the significance of being well-prepared and I hope it can be a valuable lesson for others as well.

Talk soon and have a great day! Grow, love, create!


Circle Avatar Oksancia holding fabric

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