Wondering how large should the scale of your vector repeat pattern design be to showcase your beautiful seamless pattern design without being too large or too small? I share examples, tips, and tricks about the vector pattern scale for your vector pattern design portfolio.
In this video, I talk about my own experience after having created 10,000+ vector patterns and illustrations for licensing online on how to design your vector seamless patterns in Adobe Illustrator. Also, I make suggestions on how to plan the scale of your vector pattern tile correctly so that your fabric designs are ready to be cropped and saved correctly, ready for licensing on Shutterstock or other microstock websites.
I share my advice about how to make your vector seamless pattern design preview shine the best in your pattern portfolio or microstock or print-on-demand online shop for your future customers to quickly preview how your vector pattern design will look repeated on fabric or other surfaces.
BONUS EBOOK: TOP 15 VECTOR PATTERN COLOR TIPS: Want to learn how to use color effectively in vector repeat patterns for sale online? Request my bonus eBook here.
MY RELATED VIDEO: How to make the scale of a vector repeat pattern tile smaller in Adobe Illustrator
Understanding the Scale of Elements in Vector Repeat Patterns.
As an artist and designer, I am always on the lookout for ways to create beautiful and unique designs that can not only feed my own soul but also feed my family. One question I get asked a lot is about the scale of the elements within a pattern tile and how it affects the final design. Today, I am here to answer all of these questions and give you my tips on how to create stunning vector repeat patterns that show off your designs in the best way possible.
One of the most important things to keep in mind when creating vector repeat patterns is the scale of the elements. The scale refers to the size of the elements in the pattern relative to the size of the pattern tile. It’s important to get the scale right because it affects how well the repeat works and how the pattern will look when it is used in different ways.

To understand the scale, it’s helpful to look at existing examples. In my own work, I often create patterns that are around a square size for the pattern tile. A good rule of thumb is that you should be able to see at least two of the same instances of your elements within the repeat. This means that the elements should not be too small and that the details should still be visible.
For example, in one of my floral patterns, I have used a repeat of large flowers that are still visible even when the repeat is showing. In another pattern, I have used a composition of leaves that overlap in a kimono-inspired style. The leaves are repeated within the pattern tile, and the details are still visible. I have also created an abstract pattern that uses negative space and different kinds of leaves, once again with the elements being visible and the details not too small.
However, sometimes people create patterns with elements that are too small, and the repeat doesn’t show off the pattern in the best way. To avoid this, I have a trick that I show in my video. This trick helps you quickly and easily scale down the preview and the pattern tile without having to recreate the whole pattern.
In conclusion, understanding the scale of elements in vector repeat patterns is essential to create designs that show off your patterns in the best way possible. By following my tips, you can create beautiful and unique designs that will feed your soul and your family. So why not give it a try and see what amazing designs you can create.
Thank you so much for watching!
Grow, love, and create.
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