I am throwing a SUMMER FLASH SALE on one of my most magical online programs – The Magical Pattern Layouts Course!
For the next 72 hours only, I am offering my Magical Pattern Layouts online course, my favorite set of Adobe Illustrator pattern templates for just $47. That’s a 52% discount.
>> Enroll now and claim your discount + bonus.
A few years ago I created these templates for myself as a way to kick start any pattern design project without staring at a blank screen or moving my elements around for days, not sure what composition looks good.
When I put them together, I had so much fun creating my patterns in minutes! Wow! So I thought you might have a great time designing with these magical layouts too.

This was created out of a tried and true need…
★ No more spending days on a pattern composition
★ Always have a way to jump-start your creativity
★ See how your existing vector elements flow into repeat patterns instantly. Such fun!
So what does this mean for you… right here, right now?
It means that if you join today, you can get access to my Magical Pattern Layouts Online Course for ONLY $47 (52% discount).
Normally, it’s $97 but I want to take away the barriers for you to get you started creating today.
No more excuses or wasted time 🙂
Only a few days left to claim your savings and a bonus so join now and let’s get growing your pattern portfolio this summer!
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